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Bringing Yemen to you.
Rehat Al Yemen ريحة اليمن translates to Scent of Yemen, - This project is dear to our hearts and our way of bringing Yemen to our beautiful community. Yemen being one of the oldest civilisation and better known as the Arabia Felix (Latin for Happy, or Flourishing, Arabia اليمن السعيد), it homed various notable Kingdoms such as the Sabaeans. They say the ancient spice trade started in Yemen, and through the early explores our country was eventually connected to the rest of the Middle East, Africa, and the rest of the globe. At Rehat Al Yemen we aim to share the genuine essence of Yemen through traditional handmade Yemeni goods. Our story started with our passionate mother. She was a gift giver with a big heart, always sharing the culture of Yemen with curious friends and those homesick and far from the homeland. Whether through mouthwatering dishes or gifting aromatic spices & bakhoor, she always found Yemeni goods that helped you reconnect. But, tragically, the Yemeni Civil War in 2015 made getting goods nearly impossible, and life didn’t feel the same. With many forced to flee and ex-pats in Britain stayed homesick, our mother was determined to still bring our community together to rejoice in these times of despair. In 2020, Rehat Al Yemen was created through the love and passion of connecting Yemeni culture with the people of London and truly showcasing how incredible Yemen is. OUR VISION We are proud to be the first Yemeni store in London that is Women-Led and serves its customers with authentic Yemeni products and some other fantastic Middle-Eastern goods to help build a mini-Yemen at home. From stunning Yemeni jewellery, handcrafted stone pots, honey, spices, and clay incense burners to coffee. We aim to provide the highest-quality products to the robust community within London and beyond. At Rehat Al Yemen, we want to revive Yemeni’s beautiful cultural heritage and regain the world’s heart. Even with the challenges of sourcing authentic Yemeni goods in the UK, we always ensure only to provide genuine items. We connect directly with Yemeni merchants and artisans to ensure goods are authentic. We love supporting businesses in Yemen and bringing the country's cultural diversity to your doorstep. For instance, did you know that each Yemeni city is famous for different products? Sana’a has almonds and raisins, Aden is known for its aromatic bakhour, Taiz Mokha has coffee, Sadaah dazzles with handcrafted stone pots and Hadramoot has the finest and rarest Do’an Sidr honey in the world. (Want to know more? Look out for our ‘City and Product Spotlight’ on Instagram.) So, whether you’re Yemeni, trying to reconnect with your heritage, or interested in immersing yourself in the vibrant Yemeni culture, we have what you’re looking for, and we won’t disappoint! What are you waiting for? Go ahead, browse our store packed with Yemeni gems, and immerse yourself in the scent of Yemen.